Friday, June 09, 2006

Personal Recipes I

Mike's Get Big and Ugly Protein Shake or Oh Shit, I'm Late For Work Again and No Time For A Full Meal Shake!

Ingredients: 1 whole frozen banana, (the almost perfect food).
1/4 cup strawberries, melon or any favorite fruit, also preferably frozen.
1 scoop soy protein, I use Advantage/EAS brand from wal mart - it's cheap and inexpensive.
1 heaping cup instant oatmeal, I use dollar general brand - it's real cheap and real inexpensive.
1/3 cup dry milk, fresh milk is too expensive and with three girls in my house the milk doesn't last long anyway.
1 (individuals choice of size) spoonful of honey, a good pure simple sugar and not refined.
1 container ( 6-8ozs.) low fat yogurt, optional, but the cultures are good for your GI tract and a good source of calcium.
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, supposed to be good for preventing diabetes ( so the herbalists and some research says).
water, 1-1 1/2 cups, depends upon how thick you want this concotion to be, use Hitchcock, Texas tap water - adds flavor.

Throw it all in a blender on high for about a minute and gulp it all down. Toss in the oatmeal as is from the container, don't concern yourself with cooking it, good source of fiber. Be sure to drink lots of water, 2-3L/day, it's good for you. I'm sure you can add whatever else to the mix to suit your personal taste, I usually follow up with a good strong cup of coffee. Bon appetit!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Good Rum

It's June now and what have I been doing lately? Don't really give a shit right now, took the last of the bacardi gold rum, some pineapple juice, a few ice cubes , and let the blender do the rest. I am feeling no pain right now and am having to go back and correct all the typos as I key the keyboard and type this. At least I can still proof read .It's been a busy month with work, still a big shit hole, why do I stay there? Having a hard time getting rest, I sleep well enough, just don't feel rested. I don't know. Maybe I should write some more poetry? I think all I need is a good party, some down time, and a good workout. Maybe a three mile beach run is in order here? I'm having a hard time getting my shit together, some days are better than others, I think I wrote a poem to that effect? I know I wrote a pretty good one about my dick titled - I Love My Dick. I'm working on a sequel called - I Still Love My Dick, have some really great material but have been bogged down with writers block lately. Must be logging off now, hte rum is getting the best of me - no, just don't feel like blogging right now. More to follow later.