Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm back !

John Lennon sang " Life is what happens to you while you make other plans" in a song called "Beautiful Boy", about his son Sean. Funny how John Lennon songs are always associated with the important events of my life.
My oldest daughter, Victoria, was born 12Sep1992 and, as I carried her only minutes old to the newborn nursery it was "Imagaine" playing on the stereo. I couldn't dream a more perfect entrance for any child to come into the world and here it was me and my first-born. Victoria only minutes old, I a new father, and John Lennon music in the air.
Those are the type of memories a man doesn't forget and as I lay dying I know my final thoughts will be of the birth of my children. More to come about that subject later.
It's never forgotten to a young man when he starts to date and actively pursue the opposite sex. When this was happening to me it was Lennon's music in my car stereo. I loved his songs "Starting Over", "Woman", and "My dear Yoko" and "Watching The Wheels". I still do and get that nostalgic 17 year old in me again when I hear them. I crank up the volume and I sing along in the best voice I can bring up from deep within myself; the voice I save for church hymns and the national anthem and such. It makes me feel like a youngster again no matter what husband/father/or whatever issues are on my mind.
The "John Lennon Collection" CD is an integral part of my collection and I still have the cassette stored away somewhere. After I'm dead and gone someone will look back at my music collection and wonder about me and maybe learn something about me from my music collection left behind. Music collections, like journals and letters and books and whatever was important to us in life , are one way we learn about people after they are gone.
When my wife Dana and I were newlyweds John Lennon was played and replayed a lot, along with Ray Stevens. Maybe that was a harbringer of the the things to come later for us and our married life. The deep thoughtful Lennon and the funny happy go lucky Stevens.
I'm about to go out into my garage and hit the weight pile for a bit, get some exercise and maybe reap the benefits thereof; the music from the CD player will be Lennon and whatever else suits my fancy. During the breaks between changing exercises and changing weights, when my mind doesn't have to be focused in the dumbbell or barbell, I can be certain it will be on whatever Lennon song playing in the air and making feel more young, more here and now, and more happy.