Friday, August 01, 2008

Am I Getting Lazy Or Just Older?

I don't know if I'm just down in the dumps, getting lazy, or just getting older. Hell, we're all getting older! Am trying to motivate myself to get up and get shit done but it's always that first step. Taking that first step to get off my ass and get moving. Yard has to get cut, car needs work, need to teach Stephanie to ride a bike, and that's on top of getting things which really have to get done, like working toward my RN, Stephanie's first communion, taekwondo, and such.
Once I do take that first step and get moving, I can move and move like a maniac. I can and have cycle to and from the dojhong, do taekwondo, cut the yard, and such all in one day. I can work like a horse for hours or a day and then crash and recover, all without the use of illicit drugs. I'm aware of how it feels to crash and burn like a druggie only because I'll push myself. Last sunday, I took my two older girls and their friend to the japanese gardens in hermann park in houston in the hot summer heat, then to the menil collection, then I forced the truck home as the temp guage rose, and topped off the day with a barbacue at friends house in galveston. We returned home late that night, I was exhausted, and I chalked up to the heat and not enough water. At least I didn't drink any alcohol at the barbacue, too hot to drink and maybe I was a bit dehydrated. Sure hope I'm not getting to be manic depressive or obsessive compulsive, because that's the way I feel right now.
I should be getting some sleep right now as I type this but Dana wants to go the Mummy 3 opening today and I do have to go to work a 12 hour shift this evening and the yard does need to be cut. Instead I'm cruising the internet, reading the paper, want to go for a run because I see myself getting fat when I look in the mirror. I don't know what kind of shape I'm going to be in for work tonight, hope nothing happens.
In other news it has been an eventful summer. Started off with having to get bifocal galsses, my first. Then a week long cruise to the caribbean, then home for my first dental filling in 20 years. I hope I'm getting all this in proper order, I'll have to consult my calenders and journal. I look around my house and see that it could use a good cleaning.
Good thing I made out bills last night, now just to mail them off. It's beautiful sunny day outside, maybe I can get something done before the movie.

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