Monday, September 18, 2006

Still More Ramblings and Musings and Such

It's September and, at least, it isn't as hot anymore. Rainy morning today, God knows we need it, my garden needs it. I really should get out there and put out some plant food. I'll get to it eventually.
Tired, I just came home from work, same old bullshit. There are nights when I wonder why I'm still hanging around there. Maybe it's time for me to go find a new job. Change is good.
Taekwondo goes along well, it's not fun anymore, not with my family anyway. I'm ready to kick it up a notch. I'm ready to advance my training in a way I know my wife wants nothing to do with and my children may or may not be able to keep up. I shouldn't under estimate their abilities but they're aren't showing me any commitment or dedication to the sport. Certainly not voicing any desire to kick it up a notch. Maybe I need to be a bit more patient. I don't see myself quiting martial arts in any form or fashion now and I only wish I had done this earlier in life. Better late than never and Rome wasn't built in a day, so I remain patient with my training and my family. I don't push them too much. I know them well enough.
When I go to class with my wife she complains too much and is always making some remark or other. The woman doesn't know when to remain silent. I just don't feel like showing up to a class with children and adults mixed and the adults only class clashes with my work schedule. Too bad they won't fire up the do jhong at 0700 or so 7 days a week. That would be great. Instead they open up at 1400, right in the middle of my sleep time. Sometimes they have class at lunchtime, but once again that's right in the middle of my sleep time. It's hell trying to juggle working nights when the rest of the world works on an opposite shift. These people shut down on Sundays too, that's a damn shame, and the last class is usually on or about 1900 or so. If they would fire up at 0700, I could be their almost every morning, If they would open up 7 days a week, that would be grand too. But they have lives too I suppose.
Taekwondo isn't one of those things one can learn exclusively from a book of watching a DVD. It requires a living breathing trained and experienced human being in a proper setting with proper tools. So I do what I can when I can and I'm constantly reassured by my instructors that I am doing well.
I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine and take a hot shower and relax. Maybe even get some leisure reading done. I know I need to balance the checkbook and get some gas in the truck. If I'm lucky I might even get laid or at least a blow job!

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