Thursday, September 01, 2005

hurricane katrina

Have been viewing some of the tv and internet coverage of the disaster in the central gulf states. Really tears at my heart to see the devastation wrought. It could well have happened here if not for the grace of God. It could have very easily had been ourselves in such a disaster.
Gas prices up, cost of living up, everything going up except my paycheck. Received a 4% pay raise at work. This is good, it will just about cover what we're spending in gas for the car and truck. Just for once I'd like to save any percentage of a pay raise.
True we're in dire financial shit but we at least still have our home and I still have a job. I grow tired of living from paycheck to paycheck and unable to save anything. Just barely making it on my little paycheck. Wish my wife would get a part-time job to help out with the bills.
I'm tired, worked a double shift yesterday, must rest up before going to tae kwon do this evening, supposed to be testing for my orange belt.

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