Wednesday, December 30, 2009

End Of 2009 Message

Here it is nearing the end of 2009 and I want to comment on the year/ years past events. 2009 was one of those combo years, good and bad. Bad in that I was divorced but good in that I started the healing process. That first step is the most difficult to take and I wouldn't wish anyone going through the divorce process.
All the changes started in 2008; cruise with the family, getting bifocals, first dental work in 20 years, hurricane Ike, leaving a marriage of 17 years, etc, etc. Both a good and rough year. The changes spilled over into the following 2009.
My divorce was finalized in august, sometime in the spring before the finalization I started to slowly pick myself up and put myself together. I credit God for getting me through all this and for Amy, my girlfriend to keep me in all of this. If not for Amy, I don't know what would have happened. i also gaine 20 lbs and now weigh 240lbs and holding. I was 215-220 lbs when I left Dana, my now ex-wife.
Sorry it didn't work out. Am still in therapy about all this. Some days are better than others. Am still in the shit. Wil take some years to get out of this. I count my blessings. That's a good thing, count your blessings, always.