Sunday, May 18, 2008

Waz Up!

Welcome to the month of May and it has been all of beautiful, busy, exciting, and even sad. A family of friends, who I grew up with when I lived here in my grandfather's house, lost their father. He passed away on Sunday, 04May in the afternoon. The Senor Jose Salazar passed away peacefully at home, in his own house surrounded by his family. Now that's the way to go! That's all that man did, just work and take care of his family. Over the years I have aspired to be like him. He was very old school. Able to fix and repair anything and have a great time. Lived in a house put together by his own hands, surrounded by a beautiful yard and garden, a little spot of paradise in Hitchcock. He knew how to have a good time and was full of nothing but peace, love, and joy, and happiness. If I could be just half as he was, I'll be doing well. He and my grandfather used to work together at Todds shipyard in Galveston. They didn't live but maybe a mile apart, and went to Our lady of Lourdes church. The Senora and my grandmother were great friends and together were active in the Guadalupnas at church. No one, and I mean no one walking this earth, can ever make a homemade flour tortilla like the Senora Salazar. Hot, paper thin, flour tortillas bursting with flavor the size of the plate. I've been trying for over 20 years and I am unable to come close and my tortillas are primo, top of the line, great. Want to taste heaven, munch on her tortillas! As A child I attended Stewart elementary school with the oldest girl, Eva. My brother went to school with the oldest son, Felix. My mother is still good friends with the Senora and calls her "comadre". That's very high praise in our culture and worth more than gold and money. The family commands respect and are humble, hard working folk. I am honored to call them my friends and am saddened by our loss. I am unable to recall the last time I cried, probably when my grandparents passed away, but I cried when I entered the room and saw the Senor lying in peaceful repose. I must admit, it has been some years since we had all gotten together but it was all as if I had just left yesterday. The years had melted away. Few people and friends will ever make me feel as they do. Thank you, Senor, and rest in eternal peace! Interced with God for us down here ever now and again. Continue to inspire me with your spirit joined with my grandparents in heaven.

The same 04may the senor passed away, I attended a zen meditation workshop. My first proper workshop, and like taekwondo, it's something I should have done years ago. It was a great experience and something which I have always wanted to do. There must have been some 25 or so people from all parts of UTMB. The zen master Dae Gek, lead the workshop. I have read and studied about prayer, meditation, and the benefits thereof before. It's time to put away the books and actually put into practice what I've read. The bulk of the workshop was simply about remaining still, focusing on our breathing. So simple yet I walked out relaxed as I have not been in years. The facilitators did mention that little is recalled about what is said in these workshops compared to remembering the actual experience and that is all true. I recall little of what was said but still carry that good feeling inside and about. Can't wait to go back.

My dirty little secret for this month - we do have internet, the monitor is fine, but Dana and the girls think it's down and out. Now I can finally get some internet time to myself. Let's see how long I can go before actually telling them it was just a lose pwer cord behind the monitor that was causing all the problems. Without the computer, there's actually some peace and quiet in the house. No fighting over the computer. Dana and the girls spend the bulk of their time watching tv, playing on the computer, leisure reading, and sleeping and eating and that's about it. I cleaned up the house last week, got tired of living in a pig sty the way they do. I think I'll tell them when we get back from the cruise in june.

So much more to write about, but the day is beautiful outside and I want to get out and do stuff. Won't sit in front of this computer rotting away. More to follow later.